Back in the limelight again, wallpapers come in a variety of types, patterns and colors to suit different needs and styles, as well as different desires. But be careful, when you plan to wallpaper a room, it is not a question of choosing any type of wallpaper at random, because each one has very specific characteristics. We therefore suggest that you discover how to choose the right wallpaper.
The different types of wallpaper
In order not to make a mistake in choosing your wallpaper , it is necessary to understand the different types of wallpaper available.
Generally the most affordable, it is simply made up of more or less thick sheets of paper and sometimes even recycled paper. There are two kinds: the simplex which has only one thickness of printed paper and the duplex which consists of a side of printed paper and a liner sheet, thus making it thicker, stronger and more opaque. .
Non-woven wallpaper
For its part, the non-woven wallpaper consists of compressed cellulose and polyester fibers, then covered with a layer of vinyl.
Due to its composition, it is not only more resistant, but also thicker , which makes it possible to conceal any defects in the walls, as long as they are not too important.
Of better quality , it is generally more expensive than classic wallpaper, but it will be more durable.
Suitable for all rooms in the house , it comes in a wide choice of colors and can even be painted.
The vinyl wallpaper
Like classic wallpaper, it is made from paper, but this is then covered with a layer of PVC which receives the print. Here is what characterizes it:
Due to its composition, it acquires a good resistance to water which allows it to be washed. Besides, a sponge stroke is enough.
The choice of wallpaper
Generally speaking, when choosing between classic, non-woven or vinyl wallpaper, beyond cost, you should consider the following:
The wallpaper according to the difficulty of installation
Depending on your skills, be careful not to neglect the level of difficulty of the installation of the wallpaper you choose, as well as the state of your walls.
If your walls are perfectly smooth , any wallpaper will do, but if they have flaws, eliminate classic wallpaper right away.
Unlike the others, the wallpaper does not require a wallpapering table, since the glue is applied directly to the wall, which greatly simplifies the task.
Some wallpapers with patterns are more complex to install, because they require matching the designs from one length to another.
If you opt for a thin paper , it may tear when hanging and is more difficult to hang.
Depending on the room in which the wallpaper will be installed, you cannot opt for just any wallpaper: it must be adapted to it. This is especially true for humid rooms or rooms with heavy traffic which require a specific wallpaper.
The living room or the dining room
If you are looking for wallpaper for your living room or dining room , turn instead to non-woven wallpaper. From an aesthetic point of view, several solutions are available to you:
You can choose to cover one wall with patterned wallpaper and the other walls with neutral wallpaper.
You can opt for plain wallpaper and paint the walls a matching color.
Moreover, these rooms lend themselves well to the use of a panoramic wallpaper or a trompe-l’oeil pattern.
The kitchen and the bathroom
If you want to wallpaper a kitchen or a bathroom, you must take into account that these are wet rooms. It is therefore recommended to opt for a vinyl wallpaper , insofar as this type of wallpaper benefits from good resistance to water and washing, even leaching.
There are also scope or VER expanded wallpapers. They feature embossments that are specially designed to be suitable for wet rooms. Avoid classic wallpaper at all costs, which may quickly peel off or even rot.
For a bedroom, any type of wallpaper can work, but if it’s a child’s or teenager’s room, choose a more resistant and easy-to-maintain model . Sure, you can pick up a quality wallpaper so you don’t have to start over for a while, but remember that tastes and fashions change quickly and if you’ve invested in high-quality, expensive wallpaper, you will be less inclined to agree to change it to follow these developments.